About us
“INekretnine” d.o.o. is an agency for mediation in buying and sale real estates, wich is placed in Podgorica on adrress: Rimski Trg 44, building “Vektra”. In this business the agency is successful from 1998. and in that period had great results. “INekretnine” has 6 workers constantly employed and hires 3 associates from outside.
We offer our favors in all cities in Montenegro and wider, in region: Serbia, Croatia, BiH, Kosovo…
We work with all market standards and we have modern information system, with internet we are connected with whole world and that is all for attain a success in business.
“INekretnine” gives also a favor of free advertisement on TV, radio, daily news…; and full law service.
The agency has great result in rent a place for living or for business and also achieved important contacts with foreign organisations ( consulates, humanitarian organisations ).
Main motto of agency is :